Recently I re-discovered my enjoyment for RC Racing when my wife gave me a Nitro Car for XMAS. Since then I have crashed the car…
Ok, I say going HA/LB/GRID .. because depending on who you ask, you get the setup we deploying named after one of them. I gave…
Ok, so what does a 33 year old Managing Director (Thats Chief Executive for the US folks) of 2 very tech companies gets for XMAS…
We added some nice touches to the Relio site, one of them is a Christmas theme logo And the other is a Christmas theme splash…
This one was a no brainer … it’s December. The idea behind it was to make a cartoon where Leo is complaining he wont wear…
Just for those who might complain they get allot of SPAM 🙂 We did a test on one of the mail-servers at Relio (MAIL1) ..…
Today my youngest daughter (Sierra) was hospitalized for a scheduled operation to replace the tubes on her ears. The operation was no big deal, and…
There have been allot of discussions lately on WebHosting related forums about “Grid Hosting” So that got me thinking, how different is a “Grid” from…
I recently got me a new Blackberry 8100 (Pearl), and immediately began the task to make it into a Bluetooth Modem for my MacBook Pro…
For 5-6 days now my top eyelid of my right eye keeps twitching. Initially I was not a bit worried, even so I was not…