Tallship Chronicles – Finally !!!

Back in 2003 I spent 9 months in the Azores, during that time the locat TV station (RTP) ran a show called ‘TallShip Chronicles‘ with a Canadian reporter called Andrew Younghusband spending 18 months aboard a TallShip called ‘Picton Castle’ going around the world on this big sailboat exploring these remote locations, cool stuff.

Back then I fell in love with the show, so much that I made a wish that maybe one day I would do one of the legs on that trip, maybe one day .. who knows.

Anyway, since then I tried in vain to get a copy of the show, but no such luck, it is not on iTunes or any other sites of the kind, and the series was once released in VHS but even that is no longer available even the site that sold it went offline, I also found countless people online looking for it with no luck, I even read somewhere that Andrew Younghusband himself did not had a copy of it.

Well … I have one now !! … after almost 4 years of searching I was able to find it, it’s on it’s way to my iPad and I have entertainment for the next week’s evenings 🙂




Portuguese born, american accent, living in UK.

6 thoughts on “Tallship Chronicles – Finally !!!

  1. Hi there, I too have been looking for this show for over a decade. I had an opportunity to buy them back in the day but i didn’t. Is there any way I can get copies from you? I could pay if need be. Thanks in advance!

  2. Hi, if you still have these episodes (specifically the second half of the season) I have been looking EVERYWHERE for them with no luck. Would really really appreciate it if you could point me towards them. Thanks!

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