youtube down

Was trying to reach youtube at 6 AM this morning, and got presented with a ISE 500

I guess the big boys also have those problems 🙂

Picture 2-1

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Portuguese born, american accent, living in UK.

One thought on “youtube down

  1. Superior Knowledge Carlos, very good. That is a great observation.

    What country are you in presently? Would this be different or change according to country or the number or relays in the telephone line or satellite systems?

    I pasted the link into the address line yesterday and some MSN search came up. I do not know what is, and thought I would again try to learn after a reader on my blog posted a comment.Economic Feasibility of Travel Videos

    I am in Togo, West Africa and it is lottery when I enter a URL. I may soon go to Nigeria, it will be fun to learn how many sites are not served and how many emails are blocked entering or leaving Nigeria.

    I am trying to make a list of all the error problems I receive as I wander the planet, in the hope I can one day learn, why is a page down. is off the radar and for the most part does not function on 80 percent of the planet unless a person is staying in the Hilton with a special high speed connection.

    I guess all I get to do is look at the index page and hope the future make this GPRS connection faster.

    Hmm, got a invalid security code warning. I am glad I CTRL A and copied before I tried to post or I would have lost all the typing.

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