Got a new roommate last Sunday .. He’s a quiet guy, and very quiet, which is great .. he also is very respectful, when he…
This year XMAS was quite sad .. Sally and the Girls are still in FLA, so I had to spent it by myself. I did…
I Just completed the game XIII .. and what a great game it was. You play as Jason Fly, who is a military man who…
Got a IM a couple of days ago, it was the old roommate .. seems he realized he had done a mistaque and is going…
The past few days have been extremely boring, my roommate has left to India, and I am now living alone .. and by god do…
My roommate dropped a bomb on me yesterday, he is in trouble so he is bailing out of the country, I kind of knew something…
Very unaventefull day today, ended up decidign not to go out anywhere, instead a good dose of HALO 2 was all I got 🙂 Decided…
I finally recived my new XBOX It has a Xecuter 3 chip and a 200GB HD and lots of LEDS 🙂
Today I found this Comic Book store downtown called “Forbitten Planet” .. real cool plane. One of the things they had that I could not…
Stepped out this morning, looking for a new book (finished all Dan Brown’s books), at a downtown second hand bookstore I got “Timeline” by Michael…