I’ve ordered my XDA Exec late last night from mobilefun.co.uk, I just called them and they said it’s beeing processed by the warehouse and to…
I get my fair share of SPAM every day, even so we have filtering on the servers, a huge amount still spillls thru .. usually…
Today I woke up to find one of the servers had been hacked It seems on server WEB1 somebody gained access they php (thru an…
I was playing around ith my Macro lenses and different exposures/shuter speeds and I end up with this this photo is completely untouched, straight form the…
For the past 3 weeks Arimateia (Webmotiva) and Zuba (from everaldo) have been working with me on a new design for Relio. We are trying…
My new Sigma 150mm F2.8 APO Macro DG arrived today from Hong Kong. I’m still learning to use it (heck, I am still learning to…
Ok, So I am still sick, and every joint on my body hakes, but that didn’t stop me from ordering the Sigma 150mm f/2.8 EX…
Today I am “sick as a dog” .. now, I hardly ever seen a sick dog, so I don’t understand were the term comes from.…
So I got the Canon 20D a few days ago, on a great deal that saved me 160£ off list price, and with a free…
Yesterday I went by Jessops and bough the Sigma 18-200,, they did the pricematch of £254 … so that was all set. This morning the…