I have a total of 3 games on my iPhone, thats it !, lately I simply dont have time to do much gaming but one…
Spent some time today creating a software box for OnApp on Photoshop and then Box Shot 3D Here is the result, quite proud of it…
Despite the fact the old OnApp site was just 3 1/2 months old, we where not happy with it, the outsourced company that design it…
Checked in at Найдорожча ресторація Галичини / The Most Expensive Galician Restaurant (Найдорожча ресторація Галичини). Not so expensive …
Checked in at OnApp Lviv Office. Back to work
Checked in at Леополіс / Leopolis (Леополіс). Breakfast at the Hotel
I try to blog at least two or tree times per month, when something worth remember later on or worth mentioning, I dont blog for…
The Wireless Box III that have from O2 has been nothing but problematic on the Wi-Fi side, sow speeds and constant disconnects, so I got…
Today the remaining of the VPS.NET robots that where made for webhostingcon and other conferences finally arrived, I got myself a few to put on…