I was feeling a bit nostalgic today, missing the goo old days when I used to live in the Azores, most precisely, a little village called “Fenais da Luz”, located in the north of the Sao Miguel Island.
Now, I was there about 4 years ago, and after an absence of over 10 years, I realized then, that what I missed was a bygone era, the place and people are not the same, everybody changes and people move on and away, but still .. it was a nice place as always, but it no longer was “my” place, it now belonged to a new generation, I always felt like a visit in my own land.
That did not stop me from googling the village today, I found it now has a new website dedicated to the local village county http://www.fenaisdaluz.com .. and even better, I found pictures 🙂
I was even able to find one that has my house on it (my mother lives on it) .. in the picture you can see people creating flower carpets for a religious march that happens every year, but I was surprised by the fact that, my house (the pink one on the left, only able to see about 1/2 of it’s front), has 3 people by the door … unfortunately .. I dont recognize a single one .. :p
Made me want to yell “hey, get the hell out of my property !!” 😀
Olá! Vim cá para retribuir a visita que fizeste ao meu blog.
Aproveito para publicitar um blog que estou a criar acerca dos Fenais da Luz – http://fenaisdaluz.blogs.sapo.pt – ainda está um pouco nú mas o objectivo é criar um sítio onde se possa encontrar tudo acerca da nossa freguesia e colocar algumas fotos para matar as saudades de quem passa por lá.
Dá uma vista de olhos 🙂
Oi Paula
Obrigado pela visita, e parabens pelo novo blog acerca dos Fenais, de facto nao ha muita informacao na net sobre a freguesia, e sempre bom ter mais um recurso quando um quer matar a saudade.
Vi as fotos da tua familia, lembro-me do teu pai .. 🙂
hello guys,
my name is paulo felix and i was born and lived in fenais for 24 years.
i left to canada 16 years ago i do know paula’s dad and mom.
i have been reading everything that she wrote on her blog about fenais i do wish that there was a lot more stuff about our “terra” on the web specialy pictures.
i have surfed the “junta” web page but there’s not much to see, but it’s a good sign that at least they have put up a page.
paulo felix
Oi Paulo
Yes, indeed I wish there was more online about Fenais, hopefully this new generation (such as Paula) will start to post more online, so the expats like us can “matar a saudade” once in a while 🙂