I’m currently in Ireland, for the opening of Hosting365’s DataCenter .. I arrived yesterday, and will be leaving later this afternoon back to Wales.
I will go into more detail about my trip later tonight, I also got some nice pictures of this great city (Dublin).
I had more than my share of Guiness pints last night, this morning I woke up feeling like a freight train just ran me over .. man, what a punch .. didnt help either the fact a few our our servers were attacked last night, so from 1:30-AM till about 4:30-AM the alarm (phone) kept going off, and I had to call the datacenter and get it all sorted out .. netherless to say, I feel like shit.
At least there is this nice Cybercafe right in front of the hotel, I was able to come down this morning and double check on all servers and helpdesk tickets, we seem to be 100% back in business, and all attacks have been filtered. 🙂