description: Prisoner of War f1i0 attempts to recreate the heady antics of World War II's Allied escapees in a plot line that combines Nazi secret weapons, tunnels, disguises and daring breaks over the wire. Players must take the game's hero, US airman Capt Lewis Stone, through a number of camps including Stalag Luft and Colditz, completing a large number of mini-missions, which culminate in full-scale escape attempts. The game is structured in such a way as to mimic the real daily life of prisoners: roll calls must be attended, dinners eaten and the like, and failure to turn up results in camp-wide searches by Nazi guards and their attendant Alsatians. Codemasters has done well to create a believable atmosphere for the game. Camp layouts are faithful to the real locations and the sense of claustrophobia is strong. In essence this is a f0i Metal Gear Solid 2 f1i0 -a-like--there's little opportunity for shooting, and stealth is the name of the game. Guards have razor-sharp senses, resulting in many trips to the cooler for a night's solitary detention after an abortive attempt to steal something vital from a locked storeroom. And therein lies the major problem with f0i Prisoner of War f1i0 : it can get very repetitive very quickly. Without a clear plan of what to do and how to do it, capture happens often and can become very frustrating. This is a game that rewards the patient player; gung-ho tactics have no place for the average PoW. Graphically, the game looks great; the effect is only spoiled by the stilted cut scenes, which never seem to flow properly and break up the plot in a rather annoying fashion. Sound is quite sparse and some of the voice acting, especially for the Allied characters, is weak and wooden. By contrast, the Germans all have f0i 'Allo 'Allo f1i0 -style comedy accents guaranteed to bring a smile even after being caught for the umpteenth time. Players looking for quick-fire action would be well advised to steer clear of f0i Prisoner of War f1i0 and head for the superb f0i Medal of Honor: Allied Assault f1i0 , but for those looking for something a bit more cerebral, f0i Prisoner of War f1i0 provides hours of stealthy, silent entertainment. -- f0i Chris Russell f1i0
uuid: 496BC030-5AB2-11D9-86D7-000A95903BE8"
title: Prisoner of War (Xbox)
purchase date: 30-12-2004
publisher: Codemasters
published: 19-07-2002
platform: Xbox
net Rating: 3.62
last lookup time: 126138584
edition: Video Game
created: 126138576
country: gb
asin: B000065VLV