uuid: 172906A5-552F-11D9-AD88-000A95903BE8"
upc: 786936163872
title: Atlantis - The Lost Empire (Disney Collector's Edition)
theatricalDate: 15-06-2001
stars: Michael J. Fox Jim Varney
purchase date: 23-12-2004
publisher: Disney Studios
published: 29-01-2002
price: $39.99
net Rating: 3.51
MPAA Rating: PG
number of media: 2
last lookup time: 126025688
genre: Feature Film Family
edition: DVD
director: Kirk Wise Gary Trousdale
currentValue: $31.99
created: 125532472
aspect: Color Animated Closed-captioned Widescreen Dolby DTS Surround Sound
asin: B00005RDSN